Respect the chain of command and other members of the 1st VSC
It is your responsibility as a member of the 1st VSC to know who your leaders are. It is not the intention of higher ranking officers to take the fun out of the game by constantly barking out orders, however the commanders may need your help with things and the first step is knowing who they are. We are all here to play the game with teamwork and have fun.
Participation in squad activities or matches against other squads, is why we are here. If you don’t participate, you will not advance. In other words non participants will be placed on inactive status, and will not be promoted. You will also risk being removed from the roster.
To remain active in the 1st VSC, you must participate in at least ONE mission every two weeks, unless you clear it with the Commander or Vice Commander of your squadron. This flight can be with ANY higher ranking officer. It does NOT have to be a “scheduled” flight. If you go more than 2 weeks WITHOUT being in at least one flight, you will be put on INACTIVE STATUS. You will remain on Inactive Status a period of 30 days. If you can’t squeeze in a flight in that 30 days, and you haven’t spoken with the CC/CV you run the risk of being dismissed by the 1st VSC.
Respect other players and other squads
Treat other players as you would like them to treat you. There may come a time when the guy you ragged on becomes a member of the squad. It won’t help the 1st VSC if you become confrontational with other players. Making rude comments or accusations of other players is looked down upon. Remember, your attitude reflects on our squad, so be nice! If you get mad, walk away. There will be times that we compete against other squads in matches so don’t be a bragging winner or a sore loser about victories or loses. No one wants to play against those people. Do not get into flame wars on the community forums or the local wing forums. It makes us all look bad.
*Note: If you want to fly a mission with another squadron or wing while a member of a different squadron/wing, you must clear it with your Commanding Officer. Your loyalty and dedication is to be with your original squadron and wing. If flying missions in two wings/squadrons interferes with your participation in any, you will be asked to make a choice between the two.
Set an example
As a member of the 1st VSC your reputation as a player reflects the 1st VSC as a whole. The reputation of the 1st VSC also reflects on it’s members. So conduct yourself with respect and restraint. Save your hostility for the game. If there are ANY reports of 1st VSC pilots not conducting themselves with the highest standards, you will be asked to explain it to the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of your Squadron. Then the CO & XO will decide whether you will continue in the 1st VSC.
Provide assistance
It is very important that each and every member of the wing assist each other. If a member asks for your help in polishing his skills, help him. If you have any particular skills or tactics that might benefit other wing members, share them! If you have a better way of doing something, don’t hesitate to tell your CO.
Show pride in your squadron and wing
Once you join and show you want to participate, we will provide you with a signature block. This signature block, while not mandatory, can be used so when you are posting on forums you can take pride in your wing and your position within it.